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What is Registered Massage Therapy?Registered Massage Therapy involves the direct treatment of soft tissues to improve tissue health and physical dysfunction. We help with injury recoveries and the maintenance or improvement of chronic conditions. We perform thorough assessments and provide homecare for each patient as most of the recovery often comes from what you do at home. Techniques often encompass manual massage, joint mobilizations, stretching, exercises, and suggestions to modify biomechanics throughout your day. RMT is a regulated profession governed by provincial regulatory bodies (CMTBC and CMTO). We have to follow strict regulations around confidentiality, care protocols, and hygiene. Bylaws and ethics are near identical to those for Physios and Chiros.
What can Massage Therapy help with?All sorts of things! From sports injuries to pregnancy related issues, massage can help the body repair damaged tissue and ease sensitivity and discomfort. These include, but are not limited to, headaches, posture-related pain, body or muscle aches, stiffness, poor range of motion, nerve pain and compressions, joint issues and arthritis, circulatory complaints, scarring and scar tissue healing, injury prevention, biomechanical rehabilitation, and the maintenance of systemic conditions like diabetes, COPD, or neurological issues like paralysis or numbness.
Does my extended health care plan cover massage?Most plans include massage but you'll have to confirm with your plan specifically. It can be as high as 100% coverage or could instead be covered as a dollar amount towards each visit.
Massage and ICBCICBC automatically approves 12 massage visits within the first 12 weeks after an accident, covering $80 per treatment. You do not need a referral to take advantage of these treatments. That means that after you call the insurance company when you get in an accident, the next call you should make is to your Massage Therapist. We just need your ICBC case number.
Do I need a referral to see an RMT?Often no, but medical doctors, physiotherapists, chiropractors, and other health care professionals will often refer to RMTs. Again, confirm with your insurance provider first because some plans do require a doctor's note to unlock their massage benefits.
What should I wear to a massage?Wear whatever is comfortable. You'll be covered under the sheets for the entire treatment, aside from the specific area where we're working on - the areas we've already discussed in the assessment and agreed to treat. Most people choose to undress but leave their bottom underwear on, while some remain fully clothed. The only difference is whether or not we can use oil and utilize certain techniques with skin-to-skin contact.
How will I be covered on the table?During the entire massage, you will be covered under sheets and often with a blanket, too. We will undrape a specific area of the body before treating it, such as an arm or leg, and then re-cover that area once complete. If you aren't comfortable having an area uncovered, please let your therapist know. We are always happy to accommodate and can easily avoid an area entirely or treat through the sheets as alternatives.
How often should I come for massage?This varies greatly depending on the reason for seeking massage. Some find a monthly massage for relaxation or maintenance of pain to be very beneficial. Others have a specific issue, injury, or goal they wish to work on. The latter requires further assessment and discussion about a treatment plan. Generally, I like to address an acute flare up or new injury with more frequent treatments sometimes once or twice weekly. When things calm down more and depending on your pain levels, we can move to every other week while we develop good homecare strategies. Ultimately, the goal is to reach independent care with good homecare routines, but most people enjoy regular maintenance every few months when soreness creeps back up.
Is it normal to be sore after a massage?Yes, it is normal, but not common. Deeper pressure during a massage can be beneficial to access different tissues and to release certain areas, however, everyone's body reacts differently. It is possible that a manual technique could trigger a spasm, bruise fragile areas, exacerbate congestion, etc., but this is never the intention, of course. It is crucial to communicate with your therapist to let them know if something hurts or feels intense. A mild soreness or slight amount of achiness after a massage is not necessarily reason for concern, but if you are incapacitated or in moderate to severe discomfort, please reach out to your RMT.
Where can I learn more about RMT?The governing body of Massage in BC is the CMTBC, and their website is and they deal with legislature and complaints. See the Ontario equivalent at The professional association for Massage Therapists of BC is the RMTBC and they deal with public education and resources for RMTs. Their website is The Ontario equivalent is the RMTAO at
What are the current COVID-19 precautions?The governing body for RMTs (the CMTBC) has provided thorough guidelines for continuing Massage Therapy, and they are being updated as the situation evolves. The clinic team and I are following all the CMTBC and PHO protocols, as well as taking additional steps to ensure we are all as safe as possible. I will be self-screening for COVID-19 symptoms and risk factors daily before coming to work. New changes to the clinic are summarized below. Please understand that these policies are constantly evolving, and we are taking every measure we can to minimize risks and provide the best quality of care for all patients. Administrative changes​ Everyone coming to the clinic is asked to self-screen for COVID-19 symptoms and risks, including staff​ We ask that you wait outside until a few minutes before your appointment time before entering the clinic. If you are an initial patient, please ensure to fill out intake forms online which would have been emailed to you.​​ Sanitizer and washrooms are available to clean your hands and we encourage their use upon arrival and departure. Cleaning protocols continue to be rigorous for all spaces. ​Changes for patients​ Self-screening: All patients are encouraged to pre-screen before coming to the clinic. We ask that you stay home if you are experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 to protect other patients and staff. Masks recommended: We encourage appropriate masking depending on an individual's risk, but they are optional. Please tell us if you feel uncomfortable at any time while at the clinic so we can adjust. We are all working together to reduce transmission and provide a safe environment for treatment. Reduced capacity: We ask that patients come to the clinic alone unless you require a companion for treatment.​​ ​ See the new procedures we are following from the CMTBC here. See procedure recommendations from the RMTBC here.
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