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  • Writer's pictureOwen Giroux

Why I became an RMT!

Updated: Nov 21, 2023

Skyline of Vancouver, BC

Thanks to Hippy-Vancouver

Born and raised in British Columbia's Vancouver core, my family was a big influence in my career path. They had lived in Vancouver for generations and were classic stereotypes of holistic health-conscious people. At the early age of 11, my mother took me for my first massage in Kerrisdale, and ritzy and calm suburb of Vancouver. I was impressed by the presence and independence of the RMT providing treatment; her room was laden with artifacts of her adventures with Tibetan flags dancing across the ceiling, 5 foot tall amethyst geods gracing the corners of the large 2nd floor room of a 1970's strip mall above a health foods store. The massage was interesting as I had an emotional reaction to massage, something I hadn't seen much of in my practice as I'm writing this - I couldn't stop laughing! I wasn't ticklish, it was pain in my muscles and the shock of the novel scene combined. All I could do was uncontrollably giggle with embarrasment. The experience stuck with me.

Put on the backburner

I grew a fondness of the sciences and assumed I'd explore the University of British Columbia's array of biology and STEM courses after high school, however circumstances of distance and finances made that difficult. I worked in fine dining for 2 years in Vancouver's Yaletown district, but always knew I wanted a career in the sciences and not in the service sector. Searching for independence and autonomy, I explored RMT, investigating local schools. I had no idea what I was getting into, not realizing BC was in the renaissance of Massage Therapy's growth.

Langara College was my home for the next two years of education, a school with close family ties which had just started a new RMT program. Built from founders of other renowned programs and with the longest clinical and practical hours in the world, it outcompeted every program in Canada. They expanded upon the requirements of the governing body of RMT in BC, adding cadaver labs, extra courses on diagnostics and manual skills, and were able to access novel outreach opportunities in the community with the clout of Langara College.

Discoveries and Trajectory

Coming into my full nerdiness, I became obsessed with school and was finally challenged enough to feel engaged. I excelled in the orthopedic classes, took on leadership roles, and wasn't shy of any opportunity.

I found out how much I enjoyed working with my hands on physical tasks. I was able to explore and master physical training and remedial therapy through my work. Helping people and making a lasting impression on the community is an enormous honour, and one that I hope to continue for decades.

I may recommend too often to friends and peers to join the profession, but I truly believe that I've found (by sheer luck, I'd add) one of the best jobs in the world right now. To coin one of my earliest RMTs upon interviewing him before starting school, "you go to work with a smile, and you come home with a smile."

Ain't that the truth.

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